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North Fork American
River Alliance (NFARA)
By Jim Ricker
The North Fork American River traverses
the length of Placer County from the crest of the
Sierra Nevada to its confl uence with the Middle
Fork in the canyon below Auburn, a distance of
nearly 100 miles. One of California’s most intact
watersheds, the river is designated wild and
scenic for approximately half of its length. A land
of magnifi cent views, spectacular waterfalls and
hidden secret places, it is a treasure that should be
preserved for the benefi t of future generations.
Our mission is to preserve the wild, scenic
and cultural heritage of the North Fork. NFARA
believes that by working together private property
owners, public agencies, land trusts and other
interested parties can preserve this heritage.
We are involved in a continuous effort to meet
with all of the stakeholders in pursuit of this
vision. Programs to educate the public about the
issues and resources of the region are routinely
Highlights of NFARA activities in 2006
PROGRAMS: Due to scheduling confl icts,
only one educational presentation, on a
Colfax area fuel load reduction project, was
held. Potential programs for 2007 include
geology of the NF, rafting, wildlife protection,
watershed health and fi sh.
BIG GRANITE TRAIL: Two work parties were
organized and volunteers rebuilt over a mile
of trail. Additional work parties are planned
for summer 2007.
well represented at various public workshops
where we urged the Forest Service to not
expand their OHV route system. A route
proposal from TNF should be completed in
March, 2007 which we will review and submit
member of a group that is reviewing the
biological resources assessment of Royal
Gorge Properties and trying to reach
consensus on the existing environmental
conditions. We participated in the “Summit
Summit,” an initiative by locals to create a
community plan for the Donner Summit area.
Royal Gorge owners will release a conceptual
development plan to the public in early
March, 2007.
2006 conference, member of Land Use
Group, member of Central Sierra Region
Conservancy Group.
Placer County will continue to grow both
in population and recreational use. Our goal is to
be a constructive voice in this development and
a strong voice in preserving the unique features
of the North Fork American River. You can help in
this endeavor in the following ways:
Visit our website – www.nfara.org – and
join our organization.
Attend our monthly meetings to become
informed of the issues we face in protecting
the canyon.
Get on our mailing list and we’ll keep you
informed of planned activities.
For information, contact Jim Ricker at
389-8344. NFARA is a non-profi t 501(c)(3)
organization and donations are tax deductible.
Updated 3/6/11 |