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1) Green Valley Hike Sat., 5/13/17
2) Placer County Parks Plan
3) Final Shot

Green Valley Hike, Sat., 5/13butterfly

Join NFARA for a joint hike with the Sierra Club where we will visit the town site of the gold mining camp Green Valley and discover the flora of the ecosystem. This will be a moderately strenuous hike with 2050 feet of loss in 3 miles and 1870 gain in 2 miles.

Starting at 4000 feet elevation, we will descend from Moody Ridge near Alta and follow the trail down to the North Fork of the American River crossing through recently acquired protected Wild and Scenic land. Then, catching the Euchre Bar Trail, we will ascend to the parking at the top of Iron Point. Bring sunscreen, water, and lunch. Wear good boots and dress for changeable weather. Contact the trip leaders for further information and to register.

Rick Ramos - 530-615-1802,  rick.ramosjr@gmail.com
Ron Gould - 530-878-9232, ron@northforktrails.com

Placer County Parks & Trails Survey

Placer County recreation planners are asking residents to take a 15-minute online survey to share their thoughts on the future of the county's parks, trails, open spaces and beaches. The feedback will be used to develop a 10-year vision for recreation improvements in Placer County."Our communities are passionate about enjoying and taking care of the parks and incredible landscapes we are so fortunate to have here in Placer," said Placer County Parks Administrator Andy Fisher. "As we plan for the decade to come, we need input from everyone to ensure we are making the improvements that all of our residents want to see."

The survey is available at placerparksplan.com and will be open to responses through May 15.

In October 2016, the Placer County Board of Supervisors approved a consultant agreement with Design Workshop Inc. to prepare the county's first-ever parks and trails master plan, intended to reflect the recreational needs of all Placer communities. For instance, Granite Bay and Loomis could receive resources to meet league play demands while improvements in eastern Placer County could include more trails for summer and indoor recreation opportunities for winter.

Additional outreach efforts will include workshops, focus groups and public meetings. Completing the master plan is expected to take about a year. The plan will update the county's general plan standards put in place in 1994 and take into account new trends and demographics.

As part of the plan the county will also work with neighboring agencies, such as the town of Truckee, California State Parks, U.S. Forest Service and various cities, to further develop a connected trail network throughout the region.

To learn more and to take survey, visit placerparksplan.com.

3) Final Shot

_______________________________________Green ValleyGreen Valley, North Fork American River

Updated 5/8/17

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