penstemon along the North Fork

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About the NFARA

Why NFARA? | Incorporation | Board | How NFARA Works | Activities

Several of us who live near the North Fork of the American River, above Sacramento, and who hike in or near the canyon often, decided to create the NFARA. We care deeply about the canyon and recognize that rapid growth in Placer County and the surrounding region makes it likely that recreational use in the North Fork canyon will also increase. We want to participate in the process of change as others come to know, love and share the canyon and the North Fork of the American.

There have been discussions at the local, state and federal level about creating a trail from Sacramento, CA to Carson City, NV, a Capitol-to-Capitol or Cap-to-Cap trail, with one possible route roughly following the North Fork of the American River. The final trail route is not yet set, though segments of the trail have been identified among existing trails along the river below and above Auburn.

There are existing organizations to address recreational and development issues along sections of the trail near the headwaters of the North Fork and downstream near Auburn, like Protect American River Canyons, , PARC, the Sierra Club, and the North Fork Associates. However, there was no organization in place to speak to those issues along the North Fork from Royal Gorge down to the Ponderosa Bridge area, below Colfax. The NFARA was formed to meed that need.

The NFARA has incorporated in the State of California and has nearly finished its application for formal nonprofit status with the state and federal government. A copy of the articles of incorporation is available as a Portable Document Format file, a PDF.

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There are seven board positions. Current members are:

  • Jim Ricker, President
  • Ron Gould, Vice President
  • Judy Suter, Treasurer
  • Catherine O'Riley, Secretary
  • Heidi Johnson
  • Jim Johnson
  • Bob Suter
  • Rick Ramos
NFARA is always seeking members who would like to join the board. Contact Jim Ricker or by phone at 530-389-8344, for further information.

We expect to work with agencies and organizations which share its goals to preserve and protect the natural beauty and cultural and historic heritage of the American River canyon. We'll contact them and will form partnerships and work together to achieve our shared goals.

We also plan to organize trail-building efforts to improve access to the canyon and the river, and group hikes for pleasure and to introduce others to the glories of the North Fork of the American. Please join us!

Updated 9/16/14

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