spring dogwood blossoms

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1) NFARA Outings
2) May 21 Hike to Green Valley
3) Final Shot

NFARA Outingsmiddle loch leven

NFARA has decided to get more involved in conducting hikes and work parties. We have done several trail clean-up outings during each of the past few years. Insurance for volunteers on these trips was covered by the government agency (BLM, Forest Service). However, this limited when and where we would go. It was time to purchase insurance and create our own outings program. Liability insurance for this is fairly expensive, but the cost should be offset by attracting new members and additional donations. Our hope is that by exposing people to the wonderful resources the canyon offers and educating them about the threats and opportunities, we will strengthen their commitment to the North Fork. The outings program will evolve over time. We ultimately hope to do a dozen hikes and several clean-up trips a year. _________________________________________________________________

Saturday, August 27th - China Bar HikePool of Cold Fire

Join us for a hike into the North Fork of the North Fork American River on the China Bar Trail. This short but steep trail provides one of the few access points into the very beautiful NFNFAR near Blue Canyon. The trail is about 1 mile and drops 1300 feet in its decent to the river. At the river we will have lunch. Adventurous hikers can explore downstream to a nice pool or upstream to other pools including the "Pool of Cold Fire" where the more adventurous can brave the swim to see the falls just above. The late Russell Towle named this pool "cold fire" because it is so cold it burns when you dive in. People can return back up the trail to the trailhead parking at their own leisure.

If interested, please contact Ron Gould at ron@northforktrails.com(preferred) or(530) 878-9232for more information and where to meet.

Saturday, Sept. 17th - Great Sierra River Clean-up2015 River Cleanup

The eighth annual Great Sierra River Cleanup (GSRC) will be held on Saturday September 17. NFARA will once again join this effort by organizing a clean-up event along the Wild and Scenic North Fork American River near the Colfax-Iowa Hill Bridge. We will concentrate our efforts at the Mineral Bar area. The GSRC is an annual event coordinated by the Sierra Nevada Conservancy and held in conjunction with California Coastal Cleanup Day. Last year, NFARA volunteers removed close to 300 pounds of trash from the area. This year we will meet and sign in near the Mineral Bar bridge between 8:30am and 9:00am where we will assign volunteers to areas for cleanup. Children accompanied by parents are welcome and encouraged to attend. Bring gloves and water. We will have plastic bags and trash grabbers, but bring your own bags (and grabbers) if you like.

If interested, please contact Ron Gould at ron@northforktrails.com(preferred) or(530) 878-9232for more information and where to meet.

3) Final Shot

Ron Gould and dog

Ron Gould and his pooch

Updated 8/22/16

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