spring dogwood blossoms

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Summer 2006 President's Report

The North Fork American River traverses the length of Placer County from the crest of the Sierra Nevada to its confluence with the Middle Fork in the canyon below Auburn, a distance of nearly 100 miles. From the alpine setting in eastern Placer County to the oak woodlands at the confluence, “our” river offers a unique opportunity to experience the multitude of benefits one of the last free flowing rivers in California offers.

With Placer County’s rapid population growth and the attendant need for unspoiled open space, local residents have formed the North Fork American River Alliance. We add our voice to those wishing to protect and preserve the American River watershed. Since a substantial portion of the North Fork watershed is in public ownership, we are committed to working with public agencies (State Parks, US Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management) in preserving a river largely unchanged since the gold rush.

Over the past year, NFARA has been involved with numerous issues and projects.

  • Adopted the Big Granite Trail; several work parties are planned for 2006.
  • Continued our educational programs with presentations on trails, birds.

Additional programs are planned for 2006.

  • Participated in the BLM Resource Management Plan Update; submitted comments.
  • Participated in the USFS Off Road Vehicle Route Inventory Process.
  • Participated in Placer County’s North Fork American River Trail EIR process; submitted comments.
  • Participated in Sierra Nevada Conservancy workshops; submitted comments.
  • Active member of Sierra Nevada Alliance; member of Land Use Task Force, member of Central Sierra Sub-region Conservancy Strategy Task Force.
Placer County will continue to grow both in population and recreational use. NFARA’s goal is to be a constructive voice in this development and a strong voice in preserving the unique features of the North Fork American River. You can help in this endeavor in these ways.
  1. Join our organization by completing the enclosed membership form.
  2. Attend our monthly meetings to become informed of the issues we face in protecting the canyon.
  3. Get on our mailing list and we’ll keep you informed of planned activities.

NFARA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization and donations are tax deductible.

Updated 9/15/14

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